We are proud to have a number of resources that support our Society.


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Our Resources Library

Along with our public museum of ever-changing displays, the Emmaus Historical Society also houses both an archival reference library of periodicals, newspapers, books and photographs, as well as the Schwar Genealogy Library, which consists of hundreds of books relating to the history of many families of Lehigh and Berks Counties.

These reference materials are available for perusal during regular Museum hours (Saturdays from 10AM to 4PM). Call in advance of your visit to ensure that we have the item of interest. Our museum staff will have it ready for your review when you arrive.

These are not lending libraries, however; you are welcome to do research in the Museum. We are also happy to make photocopies (limited quantities) and camera phones are permitted.

two people looking through genealogy book

The Emmaus Historical Society is proud to support the educational programs of the community and believes in sharing our history and knowledge.




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